Micropod Play
Micropods are small groups of children who come together to play and learn. Micropod families agree to limit their exposure to people outside of their pod. Pods normally consist of 3 - 6 children and are becoming a popular solution to learning through the coronavirus pandemic.
We work with micropods to take the planning out of play & development by bringing you quality curriculum and curated supplies.
Strong Start supports learning for ages 6-months to 5-years. Our activities and curricula are developed to support children through their different ages and stages of development.
Full day options available!
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Quality Curriculum
Strong Start's provides playgroup (ages 6M - 3Y) and
Pre-Kindergarten (ages 3Y - 5Y) micropods.
Our activities and curricula are developed to support children through their different stages of development. Our curricula content includes:
Science & Nature Play,
Art & Messy Play,
Reading & Early Literacy
Counting & Early Numeracy
Movement & Music,
Messy & Sensorial Play
Quality Teachers
Strong Start teachers are qualified teachers in early childhood education and follow play-based pedagogy.
Teachers are trained in observing, tracking and reporting children's developmental milestones so that parents and caregivers remain informed on children's progress.
Teachers also support caregivers or parents in learning and understanding Strong Start's play approach so that play at home can continue throughout!